Thursday, October 29, 2009

Good Walls make for Good.... Leg Muscles?

Elaine and Doug, who recently bought 407 Ottawa Ave., have something interesting going on in their backyard. It involves lots of stomping, and a good, healthy amount of messiness.

Cob walls, (cob is an English term for mud building, originated in Britain in the fourteenth century), are eco-friendly as well as incredibly durable and safe. Greg, Elaine's brother, probably describes the process best:

Stop by and meet our new neighbors, and check out an awesome green building project right here in our own neighborhood. Welcome, Elaine and Doug!

1 comment:

Freddie said...

That's NUTS!!!! I give them props cause that looks like alot of sweat equity for sure! I am extremely jealous of them though cause they got the house I wanted!!!

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