Tuesday, June 16, 2009

REMINDER: Neighborhood Meeting Tonight

Hi neighbors! Don't forget to come out to the Cleveland-Holloway neighborhood meeting TONIGHT at the main public library, 7pm.

Main discussion:
1. What do we want our ClevelandHollowayNeighborhood listserve to be used for and who do we want on it?
2. How can we keep our neighborhood affordable to own and rent?
3. How can we best share responsibility for maintaining the neighborhood organization?

Trosa Dorm on Elizabeth Street
Historic District expansion
Neighborhood checking account

Ideas from your neighbors...
Dog Park on Roxboro lot the city owns (Ken Gasch, Jennifer Deer)
Permanent Sign for the neighborhood (Frank Pokrass)
Neighborhood cleanup and more public trash cans (Frank Pokrass)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (Matt Dudek)
Introductions of city or elected officials (Frank Pokrass)

If you have time, please take a few moments to remind your internet-less neighbors to come along - everyone has received notice about the meeting (thank you to folks who went door to door!), but as we know, it's easy to forget.

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