Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Downtown Durham Dog Park Needs YOU!

Cleveland Holloway is home to the Downtown Durham Dog Park located on the corner of Roxboro St and Elliott St right downtown!

The city owns the land, maintains doggie registrations, and originally built the fence. Our neighborhood and neighbors agreed to maintain the park and provide amenities for users.

Over the past 4 years our neighborhood has spent over $1,500 mowing, planting, and improving the park.  We hold volunteer clean up days, arrange to keep the grass neat and tidy, and work to publicize the park. We also have cemented many friendships over tennis balls, dishes of water, and romps through the grass.

This summer we're reaching out to the larger downtown dog community for assistance reaching our goal of $550 to maintain the park over the spring, summer, and fall. We're asking for supporters to donate to the park at any level as every little bit helps and 100% is channeled directly back into the park.  All initial money raised will be used to mow and maintain while anything over our goal will go to adding new amenities.

Your donation could fund

$10 - toys and water bottles at the park
$25 - A trim and mid-month clean
$50 - One regular mowing session 
$100 - A month of mowing you dog park hero!

You can donate to the maintenance of the Downtown Durham Dog Park in many ways!

You can use the paypal link at the right side of this blog - please add special instructions "Dog Park" on the paypal confirmation page.

You can send a check to our neighborhood Treasurer (drop an email or comment for the address)

You can email ClevelandHollway at that fun and drop off cash

And many thanks to our on-going supporters
Rob Gilbride
Maureen Kurtz
David Glick
Lena Kruth
Eleni Vlachos

Current Donors to the Downtown Durham Dog Park
Aaron Averill 
Stacey Jasper
Laura Stephenson
Emily-Kate Hannapel
Rafe Kemmis
Hesper Linger
Carolyn Selenski
Lisa Watts
Craig Clement
Dragana Lassiter
Joseph Vilas
David Glick

See your name added here! Last updated 6-3-14

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