Saturday, June 29, 2013

OpEd - "Keep character of Cleveland Holloway"

A few neighbors did an Op-Ed for The Herald Sun about the local historic district, including the 600 block of Queen Street.
There will be a Planning Commission hearing on July 9th at City Hall.  Come out to show your support.
Contact us for any questions.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

KaBOOM! Excitement at Oakwood Park


Through the efforts of dedicated neighbors, the help of KaBOOM!, and funding from the Walt Disney Company (!) our dear Cleveland Holloway is slated to get a big update to Oakwood park in November!  Keep your eyes and ears open.  This will be a community build experience, so we will need your help.

"KaBOOM! is a national nonprofit that envisions a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America."

Pictures from KaBOOM's online gallery:

Thank you Oakwood Park team!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mayor Bill Bell's Neighborhood Tour

"On every street neighbors were doing a double take "is that... MAYOR BELL! Hi MAYOR BELL!"

On June 19 neighbors had a walk through Cleveland Holloway with mayor Bill Bell.  We're grateful to have a mayor that's involved and interested in our community!


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