Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Halloween!

How fantastic is this sight!

Children from all over the neighborhood participated in the 2nd Cleveland Hollow'een!

We provided 27 free borrowed costumes from our neighborhood costume chest, 16 free bags of 60 pieces of candy for budget restricted households to pass out, and a fun, safe, and free event for neighbors young and old.

We even had a special guest...Wool E. Bull!

We had approximately 75 (maybe more! we were too busy having fun to count!) neighbors march in our Halloween Parade

Here you can see our special guest Wool E. Bull with our neighbor Maureen who made delicious caramel corn for all the kids.

Some more neighborhood kids enjoying the night...

After the parade and trick or treating, we gathered on the lawn to watch scary movies, swap candy, and eat the pumpkin seeds from our pumkin carving event that Leslie roasted for everyone.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Congratulations to Kyle!

We want to give a big shout-out to our neighbor Kyle Bell for his success and his recent write-up in the Herald Sun. Kyle is 15 years old, and the son of Estella who owns and runs Visions Alterations and Custom Sewing. Kyle recently came in third place in a Rochester, NY Karate tournament.

From the article:
"Before, my attitude was like really, really, bad," he said. "If somebody said something that didn't mean anything to me, I'd get mad over it, and want to fight them. Now, karate has gotten me into a calm state of mind."

Read the rest of the article:

And interestingly enough, Nathan Ligo who runs the Dojo has a similar story to Kyle's. Read it here. (

Monday, November 1, 2010

Won’t you be my neighbor?

Welcome to the Third Annual Cleveland-Holloway Home Tour!

11am-3pm on Saturday, November 6th

The self-guided tour begins at 501 Oakwood Ave

Around 1890 the city of Durham expanded its boundaries to include our neighborhood. Homes built here were for merchants, and factory workers-- largely Greek and Russian Jews who had immigrated to the area for work. Between the 1940s and 1960s the area gradually became a predominantly African-American community.

Unfortunately a variety of forces, including redlining (banks would not lend money in African-American neighborhoods) and urban flight resulted in a period of disinvestment in downtown Durham and its surrounding neighborhoods.

Despite this sustained period of scant resources and investment many of our residents have called the neighborhood home for 20 and some 40 years, and recently there has been much cause for celebration!

By 2009 the entire neighborhood was granted National and State historic district status, offering tax credits for the rehabilitation of homes. Cleveland and Holloway Streets have local historic district status, which offers protections-- the rest of the neighborhood is under consideration by the City for the same.

Things are happening fast in Cleveland-Holloway. Since our first home tour in May 2008, over thirty homes have experienced, or are undergoing, substantial rehabilitation. The list goes on: two new homes have been built on vacant lots; mixed-use residential development project in downtown Durham has been built by Center Studio Architecture at Mangum 506; Wendy Clark has rehabbed the John O’Daniel building as a business incubator; and Triangle Brewing Company has set-up shop in one of the large warehouses near SEEDS.

We have a vibrant neighborhood organization, an active list serve, and a neighborhood blog.

We would love for you to buy one of our available homes and to call YOU neighbor.

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